Ever since Tucker reached that magical two year-old mark, I have said we would never adopt another puppy, and any future canine residents of our household would have to meet certain age requirements. So far, Sofi, with the skill of a Chinese gymnast, has eluded our efforts to guess her real age (< 1 year? 3+ years? no one seems to agree....). My feeling is that she is either an adult whose growth was stunted and whose puppyhood was stored away in a time capsule that sprung open about two days ago, or she is in fact a puppy.
It feels to me at this point that someone will need to be on Sofi Duty 24/7 for the foreseeable future to prevent random acts of stuffed animal maulings, sweatpant shredding, and Tinker Toy theft. Sofi has spent the last 24 hours bravely exploring the house and yard and is not the sleepy dog of last week. Whenever she does finally collapse into a deep sleep, I get flashbacks of when the kids were babies taking naps and wanting to turn off phones and intercept the UPS guy at the end of the driveway to prevent a premature awakening. (Note--observe the strange position of her hips/rear legs in the photo--this is her preferred sleeping position, even though it appears really contorted to me.)
Her legs are getting stronger each day, and sometimes it's difficult to see that she has a problem at all. She has developed some sort of a spot on a pad that bleeds when she runs around a lot, and I haven't gotten a chance to examine it very closely. That seems to be her biggest malady right now though.
1 comment:
How wonderful to hear that she is acting like a dog. The vet should be able to look at her teeth and give you an age. I was sure that Libby was about 1 1/2 years...ver says 5 years. She is also very lovable and frolicks alot. Good Luck. Susan
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