I'm relieved to report that Sofi's spay is over and done! She went in Tuesday morning and we picked her up on Wednesday. The experience didn't seem to set her back at all, actually.
I expressed some concern about her anxiety around barking dogs, and Dr. Bradley gave her a private exam room for the whole day while she waited for her surgery (an emergency pushed surgeries to the end of the day). We had planned to bring her home that night, but ended up waiting until Wednesday.
It's been a bit of a challenge to keep her from over-exerting herself, but she's getting plen
Dr. Bradley thinks she is finished growing, at least structurally. We will make a plan to move her off the puppy food, and hopefully onto the food Tucker is eating in the coming weeks.
I'm trading voice mails with someone at K-State, and I have lots of "what if we don't do this" questions to ask them. Dr. Bradley added a consideration this week--since the head of the femur is actually above the hip joint at this point, with lots of established muscles keeping it there, would she be a worse candidate for the hip replacement, since the muscles would have to stretch a greater distance during recovery than in typical cases?
All food for thought at this point, but I'm just glad to get this first surgery obstacle marked off the list!
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