Sofi is a joyful, hoppy presence who chooses solitude with less and less frequency. I worry about her mountain goat antics in the back yard, doing superdog leaps off tall rocks and screeching around corners on two wheels, but she has not hurt herself and I don't ever see her limping. Her cornering is much more effective on the left side than the right, and she does fall occasionally, but for the most part her leg doesn't slow her down a bit.
We've moved her bed into the bedroom next to Tucker's and she has adopted this as her new spot. The two of them can be found there each night, snoring and making dog-dream noises (and manufacturing gag-inducing odors) alongside each other. She is learning to play more gently and is getting more playtime with the kids, now that she is not trying to gnaw off their appendages and facial features. Not as often, anyway.
One cute behavior she has picked up from the cat apparently, is rubbing up against our legs as she walks by. She kind of arches her back and leans, then keeps on walking. Very sweet.
She still definitely has her "turtle" moments. I've given up on walking her altogether for the time being, and she had a panic attack when Bear, the 120lb sheepdog came over for Thanksgiving. We will keep working on that relationship, because I think they will enjoy playing together tremendously once she is a little more accustomed to him.
I'm looking forward to the first respectable snowfall--I know she is going to love that, and I will have my video camera ready.
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