Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 16 - Outsider

The trials continue....

After we returned from our event last night we all spent time petting and being nice(cookie giving) with Sofi, she seemed pretty much at ease. I of course had to put her out again before bed, which I really did not want to do but felt like it was necessary. She went out fine…. But as you can probably imagine, coming back in is the problem now. I spent an hour and a half sitting on the floor inside the sliding door waiting and encouraging. She would stand at the door and look at me (she is not afraid of me…she is afraid that if she comes in I will get her) of course I am also trying to portray myself as happy about the whole deal so I am not sending negative vibes(need to enroll in some emotional acting classes).

I finally gave up 1:15, when I did not think that I could possibly tolerate another mosquito bite(I did not want to soak myself with deet before bed).

Sofi alternated sleeping(quite comfortably) by the office door and the dining room door, by the gate. I got up every 45 minutes to check on her throughout the night, no real issues.

I have tried to feed her several times now this morning, no luck on the inside. I really do not want to feed her outside because I feel that if I do so there is little chance I will ever get her back inside. I did make one brief attempt to get her to eat close to me outside, no luck through the rest of the afternoon.

Addison got home from school a while ago, she started feeding Sofi treats and within 30 min she had Sofi inside eating her breakfast(yes at 2:30 in the afternoon). Sofi went back outside and Addison kept feeding her treats and got Sofi to come back inside, lay down, and she closed the door.

Sofi is conked out on the floor below the AC vent.... I am sure she is quite tired. Addison the dog whisperer is my new hero, she will now be doing the feeding and bathroom trips.

Andre' (the very tired - unsuccessful - dog herder)

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