Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 17 - Outsider part 2

Not much new to post...
The For-Bid seems to be working with the poop eating!!!! Yeah For-Bid!!!!
Wednesday went pretty good, Sofi ate and went out, did her business, then Addison got her to came in before school. Sofi spent most of the day inside, she enjoyed some good sleep, petting and attention. She ate her dinner went out for a while and Addison got her to come back in. She slept very well(so did I).
Thursday was not ok. After breakfast she went out and would not come back in, it was very hot and I worried about her. At this point she enjoys it when I come outside and am concerned about her but she will not come to me. She will snatch a treat from my hand then run away(which makes me feel rotten) She will put her head in the door but that's it. She spent the whole day outside.
Yesterday afternoon Addison came home from school and got her to play but was only able to get her in for dinner. After dinner Sofi went out again and Addison went out to play with her, it was fun to see Addison, Tucker and Sofi running around in the yard. It reminded me of when Addison was little and she would spend hours playing with Tucker. It made me happy and sad at the same time. You could just see what was going to come next.... Sofi has come to see her relationship with Addison as a playmate in the game of catch me if you can.
We could not get Sofi to come in at bedtime, Addison tried and tried, but Sofi just wanted to play.
It started to rain at around 10 pm, Addison tried to get Sofi to come in again, no luck. Thankfully it did not rain very much, but we still felt bad about leaving her out!!!!! Well let me rephrase that"Sofi chose to be out", she spent the rest of the night outside. Addison got up at around midnight and tried again, I got up several times to check on her.
I really do not know what to do, other than to try to keep building trust, and hope that eventually she will decide that she would rather be inside with us. I do know that I will need to build a shelter for her if this is going to continue. We have never had a dog that was really interested in being outside or for that matter very far away from us.

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